Our sponsor QS Simple Treasures Greetings and Collections has commissioned Author and Poet Until to write about their first newly launched product called Dreams "Are Meant to be Lived" Oolong Tea and they posted it today; so we thought you'd like to read the work of the founder of "Until's Book of the Week Advertising" better known as UBOW. Enjoy! UBOW Staff I have aromatic wishes Fragrant dreams of desire My favorite flavors intertwined Speak to my soul to become inspired When I open the box of my Dreams "Are Meant to be Lived" Oolong Tea I let the smell escape to run free Within my home It invokes happiness Spark ambition As the essence of relaxation Continuously roam While I sip and enjoy the texture and the taste of such a perfect blend The infusion of; Strawberries, peppermint and who would've thought Jasmine Reeks in my senses Reeks relentless and leaves me ...