This is the first job that I've met people who are very warn, tired and now in coasting mode along with many stresses that affect their everyday, and because of that, the office isn't what it should be.I can say that I'm blessed because out of all of the jobs I've had, I've only had three (3) bad bosses.
The fact that I can count on one hand but not the whole hand is quite amazing. As I know plenty who could give you a cool run down of their experiences. I guess it's really just the luck of the draw. Now, let's be clear, I'm not saying I have a bad boss now, but I will say she is quite challenging, very difficult to say the least. However, reading a book about this kind of stuff never really dawned on me. One day I ran into a couple of friends and we were discussing the changes in my previous work area as we all once worked together and I was sharing with them (as they both remembered) how much I loved my job but my boss was ridiculously annoying and astonishingly evil, I had to go. I also stated that if I could have that job with a great supervisor that would have been wonderful. I had explained that my current supervisor is alright, her ways make life at work more difficult than it had to be.
That is when one of my friends said to me, I have this book that I never read called "Working for You isn't Working for Me" and maybe I will send it to you and you can tell me what's in it, if its helpful and offer anything she may need to know. I told her, yes, send it to me and I will see what's inside.
Well, I'm here to report that Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster has hit the nail on the head with this book. It is apparent that they've interviewed enough people to have to obtain great wisdom to pass down to everyone else. As you all know these are not book reviews but in regard to this one, I have just started reading this book and I'm not even half-way through and I'm writing this. But I will keep you posted about the ending. Meanwhile, here is a little tidbit I will provide you. If you have a supervisor that's getting under your skin and really reeking havoc on you, pray and start learning to manage your manager, because in the end, it is you who will have to deal with the affects of their projected stress. If you would like to learn more about this book please visit Amazon
Working for you isn't Working for me.
Remember: If you're not happy about a certain situation you can always do something about it; and if you don't know where to start, ask someone a question. That's the beginning path to get to a healthier and happier place. ~ Until
***This Until's Book of the Week has been brought to you by QS Simple Treasures Dreams "Are Meant to be Lived" Oolong Tea. If you would like to know more about Dreams "Are Meant to be Lived" Oolong Tea please visit the blog at www.qssimpletreasures.blogspot.com .
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