You know, with Until's Book of the Week.
This is a "Special Editon" because it's about helping our parents feel better about parenting.This book is called "Shame Proof Parenting" by parenting coach Mercedes Samudio.
How do you know you're getting the parenting thing right? You're questioning yourself because your preschooler is throwing tantrums, your tween receives a crushing text message from her friend or your teenager starts to act out in rebellion. What do you do?
You worry your reaction is just going to make everything worse, drive a wedge between you and your child. And to add insult to injury your mother will call and say, "I told you so". You're finding that typical parenting advice doesn't help, either.
You find that your child's behavior is still a problem, while you're sinking in self-doubt. Well, you're not alone. "Shame Proof Parenting" is here to help. With those judgemental stares, off hand comments and outright intervention, our society shame parents who are simply trying their best to raise their children. In bearing that burden parents sometimes pass that shame on to their children.
You worry your reaction is just going to make everything worse, drive a wedge between you and your child. And to add insult to injury your mother will call and say, "I told you so". You're finding that typical parenting advice doesn't help, either.
You find that your child's behavior is still a problem, while you're sinking in self-doubt. Well, you're not alone. "Shame Proof Parenting" is here to help. With those judgemental stares, off hand comments and outright intervention, our society shame parents who are simply trying their best to raise their children. In bearing that burden parents sometimes pass that shame on to their children.
"Shame Proof Parenting" can help you find your parenting voice, provide you support in the difficult journey of raising beautiful children. Mercedes Samudio the author of this book "Shame Proof Parenting" help parents and children communicate with each other, manage emotional trauma,navigate social media and much more.
I asked the author why she felt this book was necessary, she said "she thought this book was needed to help raise a generation of parents who feel confident in their unique parenting style and want to raise healthy children without the weight of shame on their shoulders. Please visit or to purchase "Shame Proof Parenting" by Mercedes Samudio.

This is Until and I'm saying: Don't be intimidated by help. It's here to help you. That's what coaching is for? #endparentshaming
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